How to take care of your health in the PM 2.5 crisis with supplements.
During this time, nothing is as devastating to health as PM 2.5 pollution, a tiny particulate matter, but its impact is not small for its size. This tiny dust is only 2.5 microns in size, or only 1 in 25 of the hair, so even our own nose hair can’t filter this tiny dust And when the tiny dust infiltrates the body, it becomes a reservoir of free radicals. When entering the body, it will spread to the respiratory system. from the trachea into the blood vessels Then it will be transported to various organs, induced to cause inflammation in the body. and is an important source of many diseases.
In addition, the World Health Department It has been stated that PM 2.5 is a group 1 substance that is a carcinogen and is 1 in 8 causes of premature death of the population. It also increases the risk of chronic diseases such as stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, acute lower respiratory tract infections, ischemic heart disease. and lung cancer, etc. In addition, doctors and experts from the Association of Dermatologists of Thailand have also stated that This tiny little dust It is still lightweight that it can float in the air. and can also enter the body through our skin directly There are also researches on the effects of microscopic dust PM 2.5. It has been found that microscopic dust particles can affect the skin by categorizing symptoms into two stages.
1. Acute phase The tiny dust will destroy the epidermis cells. cause inflammation and can directly irritate the skin.
2. Chronic phase, tiny dust particles are free radicals that have a detrimental effect on skin cells. since the cell formation process Causing skin cells to become aging, dark spots and reduce the immune system function of the skin.
For this reason, protection from tiny dust particles PM 2.5 is very important right now. A simple health care trick is to try to stay indoors. and supplemented with an air filter to help trap the tiny dust and if there is a need to leave the house It is wise to avoid crowded areas. poorly ventilated Lotion or cream should be applied. Wear a dust mask, wear goggles, and dress properly. and refrain from exercising outdoors to reduce the intake of tiny dust particles PM 2.5 into the body There is also a research study that There are some nutrients that have properties that help resist and reduce the toxicity of this tiny dust PM 2.5, including.
1. Coenzyme Q10 is a vitamin-like substance that is important in generating basic energy for cells in the body. It is a highly effective Antiox idant. It prevents free radicals from entering the cells that cause various diseases.
2. Vitamin C is a vitamin that helps fight free radicals. and reduce inflammation that may be caused by the tiny dust Therefore, it is advisable to look for a supplement that provides both vitamin C and antioxidants. like grape seed extract It has a high amount of antioxidants and also contains OPC that can fight free radicals 20 times higher than vitamin C and 50 times higher than vitamin E.
3. Beta carotene helps to restore lung function more efficiently. It is also a precursor of vitamin A that helps promote the respiratory system. and the body’s immune system Which can be found in tomato extract itself.
4. Omega 3, based on clinical trials in adults. And the elderly who live in sources with PM 2.5 mite dust found that receiving fish oil 2 grams / day can reduce the negative health effects of PM 2.5 mite dust. Therefore, in addition to eating marine fish or freshwater fish Try to find quality food supplements to help you take care of your health during this crisis of tiny dust particles PM 2.5.
Although the number of research studies on nutrients on the tiny dust mite PM 2.5 is not yet large enough. But there is still a lot of research on these nutrients. Contributes to promoting physical health especially the immune system and enhancing the functions of various systems to return efficiency At least it makes the body have enough balance. and ready to cope with the silent danger from this tiny dusty PM 2.5.
Reference by.
1. Academic article, “PM 2.5 dust and brain disease”, Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Keertikorn Wongwaivanich, Neuroscientist, Brain and Neurosurgery Center, Bangkok Hospital.
2. Knowledgeable health articles, “PM 2.5 dust and its effects on skin”, Ms. Chanjira Sawatdipong, Assistant Director of Corporate Public Relations, Institute of Dermatology, Department of Medicine.
3. Toxic dust, PM 2.5, cure with heart-healthy food, Asst. Prof. Dr. Chatnapha Hattakosol, Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University.
Sorted by Thai Health Products (THP).